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FP- Removable FINGER+ THUMB Protection

  • INTERNAL GRIP- Internal Silicone Palm secures hand in place

  • PALM - BioHybrid (Roll/Flat/Expanse) 3 in 1 Palm Cut

  • LATEX- 4mm German Supreme + Latex

  • WRIST- XTEND Wrist ™

  • BACKHAND - Ultra Lightweight Flex Backhand

  • FIT - Incredibly Flexible and Lightweight

Grip: 4mm German Supreme + Latex  Very Sticky (make sure to wash after 2-4 wearings).  Dampen Palms for best grip. Wetting the Supreme Latex will activate the chemicals in the Latex as well as decrease the wear on the glove.

CUT:  BioHybrid with new XTEND WRIST ™ - built in Extended Palm into the wrist strap.   3-1 Cut with wider catching area and a pre-curve in order to keep you on top of your catch. 

Wrist:Secure Hybrid Wrist, with Latex - Elastic Wrist Strap with Glove ID Box for Name Personalization.  XTEND Wrist ™ with built in Extended Palm Latex for increased control and grip.  Easy on and Easy off with the EXO-SKIN Design (this glove is an EXO-SKIN Hybrid combing both EXO & Traditional Gloves together. 

Backhand:  Composite with Lightweight Material and Composite material for durability and flexibility. 

Finger Protection:  This glove includes finger + thumb saves with a convenient small flex pocket for quick removal.  Finger Saves Provide excellent protection and flexes and forms to your hand for maximum protection against injury.  Quickly remove them for a lighter more flexible glove! 

Fit:HELIX Ohana is designed to be a Medium Fitting glove that will open up half a size if the finger saves are removed. 

Remember to Dampen gloves for increased grip and make a fist when getting off ground decreased wear.  Washing Gloves after 1-3 gloves will decrease wear. 

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